NikitaGer 发表于 2023-5-26 16:14

框景下的诗意栖居 | Nikita Gerasimenko


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Nikita Gerasimenko

Nikita Gerasimenko是一位来自俄罗斯的设计师,他非常年轻,却天赋异禀,对于设计的理解与空间的追求,超乎常人,今天,带来Nikita Gerasimenko的新作,位于莫斯科郊外的一处私宅。
Nikita Gerasimenko is a designer from Russia, he was very young, talented, the pursuit of understanding of the design and space, extraordinary, today, bring Nikita Gerasimenko new book, a private homes located in the outskirts of Moscow.

| White House |

诗意栖居 | 俄罗斯·莫斯科

本案是位于莫斯科郊外的独立式住宅,由Nikita Gerasimenko设计,该项目拥有绝美外景以及自然环境,设计师运用框景手法,并将美景带入室内,创造了一个具有东方情怀,富有诗意的室内。

This case is located in the outskirts of Moscow houses by Nikita Gerasimenko design, the project has a beautiful location and natural environment, designers use framing technique, and bring the beauty into indoor, created a with Oriental feelings, poetic indoor.


This building has a certain resort properties, therefore, the designers focus on freedom and along with the gender of the space, function and receive a design. At the same time, has a large French window, the designer as much as possible to reduce adornment method weakens the introduction of light, emphasis on natural and comfortable.

This home is complemented by a customized lamp act the role ofing, furniture, simple and harmonious integration of metope, kitchen appliances will set in.

The bedroom also has an unbeatable location, here is still restrained and elegant, no shape, but can let a person calm down, enjoy the years static good, lakes and mountains.

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