STUDIOSHOO 发表于 2023-4-28 11:48

咖啡馆室内设计 | STUDIO SHOO

本帖最后由 STUDIOSHOO 于 2023-4-28 12:02 编辑

项目坐落于里海边的一座美丽小城中,是一家精致而舒适的咖啡馆。该项目旨在提升当地咖啡文化,刚开放不久,它就成为了当地社区聚会的主要场所。项目的灵感来自国际象棋 —— 游戏本身以及它自然产生的联想与神秘感。此外,设计还受到那些历史悠久的咖啡馆的独特风格和各种不同类型咖啡的绚丽色彩的影响。

Coffee Shop, which is located in the beautiful city on the shore of the Caspian Sea — is a cozy café which strives to enhance the coffee culture in the region. Just after the opening it became the main place for local community gatherings. The project was inspired by chess — the game itself and the illusion it naturally creates and its mystery. And also, historic cafés’ distinctive style and the splendid colors of various distinct types of coffee.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Katie Kutuzova


At the entrance, we instantly see a bar counter painted by a local artist. The undulating lines and shelves accurately represent the beauty and uniqueness of the coffee color pallette. Everything is intentionally designed in delicate characteristic hues that naturally fit the floor tiles, in which can be found a hint about chess board. Pieces of furniture and decorative lights were designed by architects’ sketches, made precisely for this project and executed by local craftsmen.

▼入口空间与吧台,entrance area and the bar counter © Katie Kutuzova

▼吧台,the bar counter © Katie Kutuzova


The key goal was to carefully preserve the unique atmosphere inside the historic building. That is the principal reason for soft and natural color choice, along with the brick wall and properly fitted to it, chess floor tiles. There are echoing curvilinear sofas, arched doorways in the interior, and a painted wave on the wall and bar counter that links the whole space all together.

▼由吧台看座位区与隔间,viewing the seating area and the private room from the bar counter © Katie Kutuzova

▼座位区,seating area © Katie Kutuzova

▼座位区由玻璃砖隔断分隔,seating areas are separated by glass brick partitions © Katie Kutuzova

▼座位区,seating area © Katie Kutuzova


A smaller space that is separated by arched doorways, designed specifically for family or friends’ gatherings. The room has arched windows on the entire wall, glass block partitions and a round sofa. The round table stand is made of single-piece stone. All those elements create an excellent overall experience by bringing together good company, and most importantly, well-designed surroundings.

▼拱门,the arched doorway © Katie Kutuzova

▼私人隔间,private room © Katie Kutuzova

▼地板与桌面的棋盘元素,checkerboard elements for floor and tabletop © Katie Kutuzova

▼隔间中的拱形落地窗,arched floor-to-ceiling window in the private room © Katie Kutuzova

▼室内的柔和色调与家具相得益彰,the soft colors of the interior complement the furniture © Katie Kutuzova


The bathroom area became the brightest accent in the project. The team’s desired result was to positively affect the guests. The space was thoughtfully designed with arch doorways. Radiant ochre-coloured tiles, a round wall sconce, and a custom-made rich blue concrete washbasin — all these essential elements are properly designating this room as the most vivid spot. The washbasin’s simple geometric forms perfectly adapt the flowing and winding lines of the space, naturally creating an ideal balance.

▼卫生间,the bathroom © Katie Kutuzova


In façade design the gray color complements the white and also provides a harmonious accompaniment to the characteristic arched windows.

▼外立面,facade © Katie Kutuzova

Architects: STUDIO SHOO
Area : 130 m2
Year : 2022
Photographs : Katie Kutuzova
Manufacturers: WOW – Mud collection, EQUIPE – Octagon, Village and Matelier collections, Vetroarredo, DELO design – superkvadrat and superkrug models, ARTU – Wox and Hokku model, LUMITEX, LEGRAND

子峻设计 发表于 2023-8-31 11:08

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